I. Harvesting of the Beetroots.
II. Veggie tunnel Upgrade, Soil Preparation and Planting.
III. Community Participation.
IV. Budget.
A new upgrade was done with the veggie tunnel projectat Dihokohoko where Emmanuel visited Anton for the implementation of 4 extra veggie tunnels. Three of the veggie tunnels were renovated and perfected as they came from an old project at Hope Village in Windhoek. The veggie tunnels were 3.8 x 9 M and some parts were torn after being in use for 4 years. We had it repaired and patched where torn and it was fitted to 3.8 x 14 M with a zip as front entrance. Another, new tunnel was added as well to be of used in seedling production. All four veggie tunnels were planted and fitted with an irrigation system.
I. Harvesting of the Beetroots
During the month of July 7 veggie tunnels were planted with beetroots for the AMTA market. After the harvest of these beetroots we had an estimate harvest of 500 Kilo grams. This could not go the Rundu market so the community came to buy the beetroots at a fair price.
II. Veggie tunnel Upgrade, Soil Preparation and Planting
As mentioned in the introduction, there was an upgrade to 3 veggie tunnels that were sponsored through Albie Oelofse from DHP. One extra tunnel is currently being used as a seedling tunnel that was donated by the Go Aide Foundation. This upgrade also included drip irrigation for the tomatoes planted and micro-spin irrigation for the other tunnels that were planted with butternut. The tunnels were also caged (a special arrangement of support piping).
After the harvest of the beetroots were completed, the tunnels were all emptied of their planting bags. The ground was cleared of all roots and other weeds that were growing in the tunnels.
After this the soil was prepared for the new planting of Butternut. The compost that was made by Anton and the ladies, was used to supplement the soil and provide for planting.
9 Veggie tunnels were planted with butternut, one was used as a seedling tunnel planted with 30 percent spinach and 70 percent onions and the one other tunnel was planted with tomatoes. The planting of butternut is ear marked for the AMTA market. The onion seedlings will go to Ladies Garden.
III. Community Involvement
The community got involved in the upgrade of the veggie tunnels and the planting of seeds. As a result they received seeds for their own gardens, to train on 'how to plant and start a vegetable garden for their own consumption'. The seeds that were handed out were sponsored by the Go Aid Foundation. The number of people that came from the community were 6 and each received: Onion, Beetroots, Spinach, Carrots and Pumpkin seeds.
Alfred Mberema from the Dihoko area, was growing food on his own, according to the example that we have set before at the Dihokohoko Training Centre. He also installed an irrigation system for his maize with diesel pump supplying the water. He also received assistance from DHP in advice to the challenges he is faced with and he was assisted with seeds and planting bags to start seedlings for himself. He was delighted to show us the results of what he has achieved on his land.
IV. Budget
The total budget that was spent towards the veggie tunnel upgrade was N$13,000. This was mainly for the renovation of the tunnels, labour, irrigation systems and transportation.
The sponsorship for this upgrade came from Albie Oelofse from DHP.
We have achieved a considerable amount of success with the community that did not see the difference in planting, harvesting and caring for crops and all the other processes that are involved in horticulture. In the past they really did not understand why we needed to make compost for planting, why the veggie tunnels and why planting in bags and not directly into the ground. In all of this we modelled examples of horticulture best practices to the community and we have now reached a point where these new concepts are being accepted by the community. As an example, the community did not want to plant vegetables such as beetroots, simply because it looked too much like blood, but after explaining the positive aspects and benefits of beetroots they started buying it, cooking it and eating it.
The local people are used to planting only maize, millets and small amounts of vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage, onions and spinach. It was difficult to introduce a different variety of crops to their diets. The new course that we have set upon is slowly being accepted by the community and they are leaning fast and willingly.
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